Friday, July 13, 2018

Alice Springs/West Macdonnell Ranges

Yesterday was a day of catching up on some domestics; yes they still have to be done. I think I will be sweeping out red dust and dirt for months!  We spent some time driving and walking around Alice Springs, just to get our bearings. Stocking up on food was necessary, even a visit to Bunnings was included!  

A drive around included up ANZAC Hill, giving a good view over the city. 

In the background, is the Macdonnell Ranges with a gap. Our caravan park is out the gap.  The railway line goes through the Gap too. From ANZAC hill, we spotted the Ghan at the station, so drove to have a look. At 902 metres, it is an impressive sight. It is only in town on Monday and Thursday. We heard it leave about 9.30 last night. It rumbled along for a while. 

A look at the golf course.  A nice looking course, although a little dry. Plenty of run I suspect.

This morning was another cold one. -3.8. It took ages to warm up. -2 for tomorrow. 

We headed off to the West Macdonnell Ranges to visit the historic village of Hermannsburg. It was a Lutheran Mission established in about 1877.  Whilst it is only 110km from Alice Springs, back then, it would have been an extremely remote location!  They built a school ( a black one and a white one), church, living quarters, tannery, even a hospital wing. Most of the buildings have been preserved, although some modernisation as it was still operating into the early 1980’s. One famous local was Albert Namatjira. Many of his original paintings are on display.  The West Macdonnell Ranges feature in most of his paintings, along with those gum trees.

A great sign as you enter the toilets. 

It was then off to visit Palm Valley, 22km out of Hermannsburg.  It is in the Finke River National Park. The road is unsealed and follows the Finke River. Sometimes you travel along the river bed itself. We crossed over the river many times. It was rough in places, but not too bad. 

The last 4 km were the interesting part. It was much more challenging. I drove in and Russell did the return trip. It was a lot of fun, but required a lot of concentration. It was a first for us, to do the off roading stuff. The car performed well,as did the drivers. 

The car park below at Palm Valley

Palm Valley was spectacular.  Home of the red cabbage palm tree. I will let the photos speak of its beauty. 

We had a picnic lunch after the valley walk and the back onto the rough tracks to get out. Successfully, without any hiccups. A bonus for we novice off roaders!  I don’t seem to be able to load the videos here, so check out Facebook if you can. 

Cheers, from sunny, (but freezing mornings) Alice Springs.

1 comment:

  1. You are both looking really relaxed - is that a touch of facial hair that I spy on Russ. Going native again Russ?
