Another cold start to the day. -3.3. About the same as Bendigo, except that the day time temp was 21.
The caravan park is still full. People come and they go. Yesterday was the NAIDOC walk through Alice Springs, but we didn’t know until we saw the news. We were too busy out of town.
Today, we headed back out into the West Macdonnell Ranges to visit Simpson’s Gap and Standley Chasm.
There hasn’t been much rain here for many months, so the river beds are dry.
It seems I’m into signs this year. This one amused us. Sheer optimism!
Off to Standley Chasm, which was named after the first teacher in Alice Springs, Ida Standley.
It was a pretty walk, with lots of growth. Whilst there hasn’t been rain for ages, there are Springs fed from aquifers filled from rain further north.
A black and white tree. (Or just clever photography?)
Tonight, we wandered to the Heavitree Tavern (about 300m down the road) for dinner. We joined another couple from Victoria for a pleasant evening. Entertainment was provided by a guitarist/singer who played Counrty style music. He was very good. We got dressed up for the evening; we wiped the dust off our boots!
Speaking of boots, they have been the best and most used purchase for this journey so far. Warm, comfortable, provide great stability on rough tracks. The best. Probably only outdone by the car and caravan. Both are proving to be just right for us.
Cheers from A.S.
Looking at Stanley Chasm certainly brought back memories and I think I have the same photo buried in an album somewhere. Still looks spectacular