Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 4

Today was a much quieter day, after a big day yesterday. The weather started a little grey but made for great scenes along the beach.

After a leisurely walk at a more reasonable time (7.30), it was a leisurely breakfast, followed by a another stint on the beach.
BBQ snags and onion for lunch, then it was off down the beach for some fishing, relaxing and kite flying.  
The beach is great for kites, very wide (although the tide was coming in). Traffic was a bit of a problem.  It would have been poor form to crash the kite into an oncoming vehicle.  A few close calls, but no problem.

An attempt at fishing was made by some of the novices. RM is the only fisherman amongst us.
RR, Colin and I had a go. 
We managed the casting, but for some reason, no one even got a nibble.
 After about an hour, we gave it in and flew the kite.  RM was lured back to the surf and managed to catch a tailor. 
Colin decided to give things a go, but no luck for him either.  Must have had the wrong bait!
Check out the style of casting in the photos.  Expert! 
Glenda had no interest in fishing, quite happy to read, chill out or just take it all in.  
Helen gets to fish vicariously through RM's tales of woe and triumph.

Back to base late in the day for the usual, cuppa, showers, collect washing, predinner drinks and nibbles followed by dinner.  Once again, the early sunrise had got us all again and were in bed by 9.30!

I have included a few photos of our house and surroundings.  10 permanents live in this village, quite a few private residences and  2 resort style complexes.  Quite populous really.  All have one thing in common- the sand.  Sweeping the floor everyday seems to make only a slight difference. Oh well!

Our view, above is not spectacular, but quaint.  There are several places that have been here for a long time.  Just fibro asbestos places that have been added to over the years.  Solar power has made a huge difference these villages.  With all the sunlight, there is an almost endless supply of power.

This is an example (below) of the continually running flows into the ocean.  
It is fresh water just seeping out of the Island.  Some coloured oxides, minerals etc colour the sand in places, but others are clear.
There are many flows into the sea.  Some are easy to cross, no speed reduction needed, others have a drop off which requires caution when crossing.  
Naturally it is smoother closer to the sea, but salty water is best avoided where possible, to limit damage to the vehicles.
However, some people don't care, especially if it is not their own vehicle (plenty of hire 4wds here.  Most are older and it probably doesn't matter).

Hope all is good for you.  Cheers

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